Practical Meditation

We live in a stressful world where the only thing you can count on is change: constant, rapid, formidable change. We have a program to help you get control of this change and control of your life.

It's a strategy that has been effectively used for thousands of years by successful individuals worldwide: the daily practice of meditation.

The Practical Meditation Program
Note: If you're the only one learning then steps 1-6 are all 1-to-1.
The following description is when groups of people (businesses, fitness centers, spa's, etc. bring me in for group instruction):

  • Free Introductory Lecture: One Hour
  • Instruction: One-to-One, Face-to-Face: One Hour

Steps 3 - 5: One Hour Group Follow-Up Sessions (everyone who learned the previous day)

  • Step 3: The day following instruction
  • Step 4: One week later
  • Step 5: One month after instruction

  • Follow-Up
    • Monthly group meditation recommended for the first year
    • As needed after the first year

Group meditations will be held weekly (right after the introductory lecture)

Quantum Pause, a powerful breathing technique, and the Six Heart Virtues, a visualization technique, will both be taught once a month after the group meditations at no charge.

Fee Schedule

  • Adults: $495
  • Fitness Club Members: $395*
  • Coaching Clients: $395
  • Students: $295

*Members of the fitness centers where I'm giving the introductory lectures

Benefits: Results to Expect

  • Manage Stress and Reduce Anxiety
  • Clearer Thinking: A Focused State of Mind
  • Health: Reduced High Blood Pressure and Enhanced Sleep Patterns
  • Increased Creativity and Intuition
  • Inner Calm: Centered, Better Equipped to Handle the Strains of Life
  • Happiness: Using Your Full Potential
  • Productivity: Improved Job Performance
  • Organized: Your Day More Efficient & Effective
  • Better Relationships: Meditation Not Only Settles the Mind, It Nourishes the Heart
  • Inner Peace: Self-Actualization
  • Connect to Spirit

Practical Meditation can be learned by anyone from the ages of 4 and up. It is a simple, easy to learn, mental technique that benefits everyone.

Mark's Blog:
Spiritual Blog

Mark contributed to the premiere issue of O, The Oprah Magazine.
Click here for an excerpt!